DagsManlyPlanter Back in the early days of Amnesia (1994) we had a team consisting of one rider (Ben Cox), when the time came to add a second rider we asked Darren Kaehne to join the team. Darren had some footage in the video "Plebs" which had just come out and we were stoked with what we saw. Ben said that Darren was the guy we needed on the team. Darren filmed a part for the first Amnesia video "Loves Ugly Children" but was travelling in the US leading up to the release of the video so he didn’t have the part he could have had.

During Amnesia’s hiatus Darren rode for Criminal Skateboards, SMP and a few other companies. When Amnesia rose from the grave Darren was the first person I called to be involved. It’s great to have one of the OG riders still on the team.

Recently we’ve been filming for the new Amnesia video and although years have passed and we’re all a bit older Darren is still throwing down. Darren recently told me that this video part will be his last and that he wants to put everything into it that he can. I don’t want to hype it up too much but I’m really looking forward to this.